‘Today Newspaper’
‘Seychelles Nation newspaper’
2022-08-27‘Treasures of the Ocean’ Exhibition during Seychelles Biennale 2022 @ Kenwyn House Seychelles, 4th until 28th August., Exhibition took place Kenwyn House that was Built in 1855 for the Chief Medical Examiner Dr. James Henry Brooks, this mesmerising piece of historical architecture was declared a Seychelles National Monument in 1984.

Joseph is not an economist nor biologist, or even conservation scientist but an artist who found his own artist way of paying tribute by commemorating the magnificent ocean living species, it is his way as an artist to respond to calls to action to protect the planet, to increase awareness and pressure of media to encourages to tackle climate change and contribute in his artistic way to subject sauch as
1/Blue Economy focused on preservation of the marine environment
2/Sustainable Development Goals set out by UN
3/Conservation efforts that such as lessening of overfishing with many species being over-fished and threaten by pollution and degradation
I hope that Joseph’s ‘Treasure of the Ocean’ collection will bring joy to your eyes and soul, taking you for a moment to the deepest corners of the wild nature of the ocean